Thursday, November 6, 2008

Decisions to live by...

Regret is a word I don't like to use, nor do I believe in such a word. To regret is to "feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, esp. a loss or missed oppurtunity), ( I say why should I regret a decision or the lose of a missed oppurtunity... I say move forward -> and take the experience(s) you have gained to make a better decision or even better, to grow and appreciate the oppurtunity you've received from that loss and or bad decision to discover a little something new about yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe we need to suck up every bad decision in our life, but we do need to sometimes acknowledge that the only way to change what a decision has done or how it has affected our lives is to move ahead. And that regret is not the answer to the solution. Regret holds us back from pushing ahead similar to a logic problem. To solve the problem, we must use what we know, what we've learned and of course the facts to see clearly and move forward. Worrying too much on the problem will only dig ourselves deeper, similar to the effect of worrying or harping too much on what is done, and not enough on what can be done to move forward.

I was inspired to write about the word regret because I recently made a decision that has altered my life; I moved from San Francisco to New Jersey (where I'm originally from) for a whole bunch of reasons. Some of those reasons where wrong and some were right, but nevertheless, I made a decision to move. At first I had regret, and then I realized how could I have regret for something I decided, and that's because I lost site of the solution. I need not focus on what would have happened if I hadn't moved, but rather what will happen now that I have moved, and how I can form what happens by making decisions with good intentions and wishes. I don't live with woulda/shoulda/coulda's because my life is what I make of it, and I've made a mistake or a decision I need to see the problem through until I have reached the solution.

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