Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Binder

I'm currently looking for a job, and needed something to show off some of the work I have done, and can do. Because I don't have a design or journalism background, I wondered what this binder/portfolio would look like, and what items I would use to support its purpose. And this is how it came out. I pulled reports I completed in school, such as Integrated Marketing Plans, work I completed at previous employers: Persona (marketing research) and a news letter I created for a prior company.

This is a "Persona" I created based on Organic Inc. Directors. I interviewed five directors at the company and complied the data to create this persona. I took the information I learned on each interview to find trends with each individual.

This is a 40 page Marketing Plan to take American Apparel aboard to Chile, Santiago. With a team of 5 people, myself included, we developed a six month integrated marketing plan to open up an American Apparel store in South America.

The IMC Plan was specifically my part and I selected and researched the methods and media outlets we would use to market American Apparel in Chile.

Go Girl Energy Drink is a a new kind of energy drink started on the West Coast. This report highlights the company and their competitive advantage (cause marketing and a niche market; woman) with a focus on strategic planning for growth.

My previous employer, TRG, implemented a new health initiative team to promote healthier lifestyles. As a part of that team, I worked to create the following quarterly news letter. I wrote stories on team players journey to lose weight, donating their hair to children with cancer and activities in the community.

I hope this portfolio can and will display my experience and skill level, as well as my passion for marketing. YAY!

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